
MTÜ Peipsi Kalanduspiirkonna Arendajate Kogu (PKAK, ka tegevusgrupp/algatusrühm/tegevusrühm) moodustati 28.mail 2008.aastal

Development Association of Peipsi Fishery Area – Short overview of Peipsi fishery area strategy


Peipsi Kalanduspiirkonna Arendajate Kogu kui vabatahtliku ühenduse põhieesmärk on Peipsi kalanduspiirkonna säästev arendamine tegevuspiirkonna strateegia väljatöötamise ning strateegia eesmärkide elluviimise läbi strateegiaga kooskõlas olevate projektide väljavalimise, elluviimise ja elluviimise toetamise abil. Ühingu tegevus hõlmab Peipsi-, Pihkva- ja Lämmijärve, Vooremaa järvede ja osaliselt Suur-Emajõe äärseid rannaalasid. Peipsi kalanduspiirkonna tegevuspiirkond on Ida-Virumaal Alutaguse valla, Jõgevamaal Mustvee ja Jõgeva valla, Tartumaal Tartu, Peipsiääre, Luunja ja Kastre valla, Põlvamaal Räpina valla ning Võrumaal Setomaa valla territooriumil.

Ühing on moodustatud tähtajatult, kuid ühingu tegevust ei lõpetata enne 31.detsembrit 2030.aastal.

MTÜ Peipsi Kalanduspiirkonna Arendajate Kogu on eraõiguslik juriidiline mittetulunduslik isik ja oma tegevuses juhindub ühingu põhikirjast, regionaalministri „Perioodi 2021–2027 kogukonna juhitud kohaliku arengu toetus“ määrusest ning teistest Eesti Vabariigi õigusaktidest.

Short overview of the Peipsi fishery area strategy 2030+

The strategy for the Peipsi fishing area outlines goals and activities for enhancing the value of aquatic resources and direct marketing, improving fishing port infrastructure and diversifying offered services, diversifying economic activities of fishing enterprises, improving natural environment conditions, promoting fishing and maritime traditions and advancing the knowledge and skills of fishermen.

The Peipsi fishing area includes Lake Peipsi, Lake Pihkva, Lake Lämmijärv, Vooremaa lakes, and the riverbank areas of the Great Emajõgi both upstream (within Tartu municipality) and downstream from Tartu city. The operational area of the Peipsi fishing region includes the territories of Alutaguse municipality in Ida-Viru County, Mustvee and Jõgeva municipalities in Jõgeva County, Tartu, Peipsiääre, Luunja, and Kastre municipalities in Tartu County, Räpina municipality in Põlva County, and Setomaa municipality in Võru County. The region covers an area of 6189 km2, and as of January 1st, 2023, has a population of 62,329 people.

The analysis of the region’s population reveals a significant challenge of population decline and aging, impacting not only the local but also the national and international levels, as the area constitutes the eastern border of both Estonia and the European Union.

The dominant business entities in the region are micro-enterprises, playing a crucial role in creating employment opportunities. The economic activity of businesses in the region has exceeded the Estonian average since 2017.

Vision: the region envisions a clean and abundant living and natural environment, utilizing local resources for service provision and product manufacturing to enhance regional prosperity. The living environment is attractive, offering diverse work and self-development opportunities, and residents value their home, widely known for its natural and cultural heritage.

Based on the results of SWOT and needs analysis, the strategy outlines the following action directions and goals:

Valorization and direct marketing of aquatic resources

  • Establishing or improving processing conditions for proper valorization of fish.
  • Enhancing transportation conditions and creating or improving marketplaces for better accessibility of fish and fish products.
  • Improving storage conditions to enhance the quality of fish and fish products.
  • Implementing product innovations, software services, etc., to increase income.
  • Introducing carbon-neutral energy sources for fish processing, storage, and marketing.

Improvement of port infrastructure and diversification of offered services

  • Equipping priority fishing ports with modern infrastructure and equipment.
  • Diversifying fishing port services to increase revenues.
  • Cleaning entrance roads and aquatoriums of ports from sediments for future use.
  • Introducing carbon-neutral energy sources to reduce ongoing costs of fishing ports.

Diversification of economic activities

  • Micro-enterprises in fishing diversify their activities to increase income.

Improvement of environmental conditions

  • Cleaning up litter from water and shore areas to improve the environment.
  • Cleaning and opening spawning areas and fish migration routes to promote natural recovery of fish stocks.
  • Conducting environmental training to increase overall environmental awareness.
  • Research providing input for improving environmental conditions.

Promotion of fishing and maritime traditions

  • Developing public infrastructure related to beaches, water, and fishing, including the use of carbon-neutral energy sources, for the well-being of residents and to meet tourism and recreational needs.
  • Restoring historical fishing locations and ensuring accessibility for introducing fishing culture.
  • Organizing local and cross-regional events, training sessions, and camps, publishing informational materials, etc., to promote fishing and maritime culture.

Advancement of fishermen’s knowledge and skills:

  • Providing training, including study trips, for knowledge and skills enhancement of fishing entrepreneurs and fishermen.

The strategy’s action directions and their fulfillment goals are developed in accordance with the conditions and procedures of the European Maritime, Fisheries, and Aquaculture Fund Operational Programme 2021–2027, specifically the measure “Support for community-led local development for the period 2021–2027.” During the strategy period, the region can utilize approximately 4.7 million euros in EMFAF funds for project support, and additional funds from other EMFAF measures and other structural funds.

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